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Remember the first time you watched a movie and said, “I want to be up there.”
You sat in the dark theater and looked up at that great screen and saw what the actors were doing. And you said, “I could do that.”
You saw how beautiful they were, how smart, and successful. You wanted what they had, and you wanted to do what they did.
Imagine yourself there now. You are sitting in the dark theater looking up at yourself on that great screen. Look how beautiful you are up there, how smart, and successful. With your million-dollar smile and that magical look in your eyes that captivates others.
The audience around you is crying and gasping and cheering for you. When they leave the theater the cannot stop talking about you. You have taken them on a journey. You have moved people.
Now imagine the kind of life you could live if you were an actor. You are welcomed onto a private and exclusive set. You are given a trailer. Professional stylists help you look and feel your best. You work with intelligent and fascinating people on both sides of the camera, including those that you have admired for years. You are fed well. You are paid well. Your friends admire you. Strangers recognize you. You enjoy the satisfaction of doing good, creative, and meaningful work. There is more to your life than just your day job.
Imagine yourself living the life you have always dreamed of.
You do not live in Los Angeles.
You are not a trained actor. . . . or maybe you are, but you have not had acting training at the highest level.
Are you even good enough to be one? Do you have what it takes to do it?
And no matter how much talent you have, would anyone even give you the opportunity?
People who love you once tried to talk you out of it--or they still are.
"You? Seriously?"
"You'll starve!"
"Don't quit your day job."
"You should do something safe and sensible with your life."
"It's not that we don't believe in you. We just don't want you to be
You were already dealing with the voices of your own self-doubt. Now you have the voices of others added to it.
But this feeling is strong inside you, so you take a stab at it anyway and try to do some research.
When you go online the internet is filled with people who do not know what they are doing. The blind are leading the blind.
And other sites look like outright scams.
What do you do? How do you get started?
How do you know whom to trust?
Time passes and you continue to feel stuck in the same old rut. You are working and making a living, but you are not happy. You want more out of life.
You want your life to count for something, to matter.
You want to pursue your calilng.
You want to live your dreams.
The voices of doubt get louder and more frequent.
Maybe you missed your chance. Maybe you could have done it years ago but now you are too old. You have responsibilities. School. Work. Family. How could you ever find the time?
Have you given up?
What do you do?
We will show you what to do and how to do it.
We help people get into the movies. All kinds of people.
We will listen to you and hear your dream and your struggles and frustrations. Then we will provide for you a roadmap to getting there--while in your current situation.
We are your GPS. "This is where you are. This is where you want to go. Here is the most efficient route. Here are a couple of other, similar routes, but this one is the most efficient."
Then you decide you want to take the route, and when you do we go together. At a good, steady pace with clear direction.
The Bill Billions Studios at Hollywood Huntsville is the Number One professional film acting school in the Southeast United States.
We provide industry-standard acting training through professional on-camera acting classes. Attending our school is like moving to Los Angeles and signing up for on of the top acting schools in Hollywood.
We know what we are doing, and we have a proven track record of training people of all ages and backgrounds to go from zero to working actor in just a few years.
Our students range from children to folks in their seventies.
We work with people who have never acted before as well as veterans of local theatre and even those who are already professional working actors. In fact, we love working with advanced students. If you are one, you also need a guide.
We teach both on-camera acting technique (the Show) and career management (the Business), assisting you with all aspects of the craft and industry so that you never have to guess what to do next.
We teach our classes in a logical and cumulative order so that each subject builds on the previous one.
You also work through the curriculum in a cohort, where you and your classmates take the same classes in the same order, so that you grow together and your classmates become your friends.
We have helped more than one hundred people get Talent Agents for film, television, commercials, and print modeling.
Our students have gone on to work in real movies and television shows.
How is it possible?
First, we agree that you should keep your day job. Stay where you are and keep your current responsibilities. Instead of letting that be an insult, turn it into a strategy. Your day job gives you the power and freedom to pursue your dreams.
Second, add the training to your normal routine in such a way that you can do it. You may have to make some changes to your schedule, and you may have to sacrifice a few things that are taking up your time. But those things may be distractions anyway, and getting rid of them may prove to be part of the joy.
Third, come and join us and we will take the road with you from start to finish. You will never feel confused or uncertain about what the next step is. We will show you the path every step of the way.
And step-by-step together we will get there.
Does that sound like something you would like to do?
If you are ready, then sign up for classes now.
If you want to learn more, sign up for a Free Orientation.
Or reach out and set up a time for a Studio visit. We would be happy to meet with you and discuss how we can work together.
If you are a parent, you may end up taking acting classes with your child. We have had many parent-child acting students take classes together. It is a great way to bond with each other.
If you would like to send us an email, fill out the form below or email us at
We look forward to hearing from you. We enjoy helping people grow in confidence and become successful. We enjoy helping you find your calling. That is our dream. That is our calling.
Thank you for reaching out to us to be your guide on this incredible journey you are about to take. We honor you for having the courage to take this big step that will change your life. We look forward to working with you.
You are a winner.