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Step into the Successful Life You Were Called to Live.
Are you ready to transform your deeply felt calling from an idea that you hold in your heart into a manifested lifestyle of joyful work and exuberant confidence that you can sustain for life?
Join me for the Industry-Standard LIVE film acting master course for
practical dreamers with tremendous potential
determined to work in the film industry while growing exponentially in a myriad of valuable life skills. We train you how to be a working professional actor
who works in movies and television. Along the way, you learn skills that help you in every area of life.
Click here to learn how to work in the movies.
Your journey begins now.
Picture’s Up!
FREE for a limited time only ($3,600 value).
(Gloria Swanson, Sunset Blvd., 1950)
Listen. You can do this.
Do you want it? Do you have the desire? If so, then good!
Desire is the starting point of all achievement. You have to want something strongly enough to do what it takes to achieve it. If you have the desire, then you are off to a good start.
What's next?
Once you have the desire, you need to know with confidence that you have permission. Do you know that you have permission? You do.
You have permission to dream.
You have permission to pursue your dream.
You have permission to work towards achieving your dream.
Perhaps you have had a little voice tell you otherwise. Maybe it was someone who loves you.
"Don't do it!" "You'll starve!" "Get a real job!"
Have you ever had people say that to you? They mean well. They do not want you to fail . . . or, maybe they themselves are afraid to do it, so they tell you not to
Or perhaps you have heard those voices inside yourself. The voices of fear.
You can be free from fear.
What if you resist fear and do it anyway.
Get out of the corner and go!
Click here to step out of the corner and start living a life of purpose that you enjoy.
FREE for a limited time only ($3,600 value).
(Patrick Swayze, Dirty Dancing, 1987)
Now you have those two things in place. You want to do it, and you believe you can. You are ready to take the NEXT STEP.
Great! But what is the next step?
You do not know how to get there. What do you do?
Look. We can help you! We are your GPS.
Just as when you map directions on your phone, we can help you map a training and career path for you.
You know where you are, and you know where you want to go.
How do you get there?
We will show you the steps to take--both in acting technique and in career management.
We know because we have been there ourselves; we are still there now; and we help our students get there every day.
This is what we do. We have been doing it for years, and it works!
Our signature D.R.E.A.M. Method is one of many proven frameworks we use inside The Acting Process to help practical dreamers transform their lives from everyday people into successful WORKING PROFESSIONAL ACTORS who do what you love and sustain it for life.
You are next in line!
We are living it. We will show you how. Our students are doing it. Now it is your turn.
Learn the secret to transforming into a successful
living a lifestyle of joyful work and exuberant confidence, doing what you love, and sustaining it for life.
FREE for a limited time only ($3,600 value)
(Arnold Schwarzenegger, Predator, 1987)
(The phrase has come to mean achieving your dream)
Let's get started. We are here for you.
We are a good fit for one another if you--
That's right! At whatever stage you are in in your career, we can help you--in both TECHNIQUE TRAINING and CAREER MANAGEMENT--to get to the next step, and to keep taking step after step until you are at the top.
FREE for a limited time only ($3,600 value).
(James Cagney, White Heat, 1949)
We are both educators. I come from a family of educators, including my father, my uncle, my aunt, and my sister. I have read voraciously my entire life. I have two Masters degrees--in English Language and Literature and in Biblical Language and Literature. I have spent more than 10,000 hours reading and interpreting characters and stories, and breaking down scripts.
We moved to Hollywood and trained and worked there for years. I trained at the top acting schools, got Hollywood agents, and worked. While there, we flourished. Then we had children and decided to move home to the Southeast and share what we learned with you. Since then, we have flourished even more. I have booked some of my biggest acting jobs in the Southeast.
Ayoka is a professional casting director. I am a member of the Screen Actors Guild (SAG-AFTRA).
Not only are we working professionals, but we also complement one another.
She sees through the eyes of a Casting Director--the people who offer you auditions and give you the opportunity to book roles. She knows what they are looking for.
I see through the eyes of an actor. I am one of you, and therefore, I can sympathis with you. I go through what you go through and know how you feel.
We practice what we preach. I am out there doing it, auditioning, booking, and working. Whatever I train you to do, I do it myself. This past year I booked a large guest star role on a major television show. It will be coming out this year.
We have been training people successfully at Hollywood Huntsville for 15 years. We have helped many people get good talent agents and book good roles. Our students work at the highest levels.
When you join us, we are committed to you. We love our students and want you to succeed. We want you to be a good actor and to book roles. We help you do what it takes to get there--by providing you with not only industry-best training but also with personal guidance and accountability.
Approach your acting technique and career in a practical and intelligent way.
Nurture your work and home life so that you can sustain them long-term.
Act on camera so that your performances are natural, grounded, and real.
Read and break down scripts of all time periods, mediums, genres, and styles.
IMPROVISE with confidence and finesse.
Click here if you are ready not merely to try it but to really do it.
FREE for a limited time only ($3,600 value).
(Yoda, The Empire Strikes Back, 1980)
"I have grown so much in my time at Hollywood Huntsville. From learning how to be professional in this industry to developing great friendships. It is so great to have a coach that genuinely cares about his students. With great guidance, I have created a career and learned how to manage it."
"Hollywood Huntsville has not only taught me the foundations of acting, they have continually supported and pushed me in my efforts to be a great actor. They have taught me the essential components of having a lasting and sustainable career in the industry. And most importantly, they have helped ingrain in me self-confidence and the importance of setting goals and thinking great thoughts about myself and my life. They have taught me it is okay to dream and to strive to be all you can be."
"I would not be where I'm at right now without Hollywood Huntsville. I'm grateful that someone saw something in me that I didn't."
"Hollywood Huntsville is more than just a great place to learn the art of acting. I've made like- minded friends here, and we have created an environment where we value group success and teamwork. You're never alone at Hollywood Huntsville. Bill has given us an opportunity to not just be his students but to be part of a whole wherein we build each other up. When one of us succeeds, all of us do."
"Hollywood Huntsville has been instrumental in both my professional and personal growth. Bill and Ayoka have a wealth of knowledge that they use to support and build their students to be world-class actors one step at a time."
"Hollywood Huntsville has been life changing for my acting career. The curriculum has given me the ability to take my career to the next level. This is such a professional environment, and it's training up actors and equipping us with a Hollywood standard. We no longer have to move across the country to get real acting experience because it is right here in Huntsville, AL."